In the shadowy heart of West Mifflin, Pennsylvania, a malevolent force known as Asmodeus lurked, his insidious presence lingering within the walls of an abandoned school. Asmodeus, a cunning demon of ancient origin, had discovered a way to tear open multiple portals that permeated the decrepit halls of the forsaken institution. Once a place of learning and enlightenment, the school had now become a twisted playground for the entity, serving as a nexus for his sinister plan. Stories spread throughout the town, drawing thrill-seekers and the curious, little did they know that they would soon be plunged into a nightmarish journey, as the Portals of Fear lead directly to their deepest phobias, all orchestrated by Asmodeus in his relentless pursuit to ensnare their very souls.
Step into the spine-chilling world of Portals of Fear Haunted Attraction, an immersive and terrifying experience located in the heart of Pittsburgh. As Halloween approaches, the attraction comes alive with nightmarish creatures, hair-raising special effects, and a sense of foreboding that will leave visitors trembling with fear. From dark corridors to eerie landscapes, Portals of Fear promises an unforgettable journey into the unknown, where the boundary between reality and nightmare blurs, making it the ultimate destination for thrill-seekers during the Halloween season in Pittsburgh.
Pittsburgh's newest professional haunted attraction is unexpectedly frightening, but there is something for everyone. .
1 Majka Street, West Mifflin, Pennsylvania 15122, United States
We welcomed Scott and Team Houdini Reviews from The Scare Factor into our Portals of Fear world. This is their review! Thank you guys for coming out!
A special thank you to the Haunted Housewives with Tish and Lily for coming out to see Portals of Fear, the following is their review.
We went out on Friday the 13th to visit a new haunted house, Portals of Fear, in West Mifflin, PA. This is one of the newer haunts in the area. Chuck and the team invited us out to check out everything that Portals of Fear has to offer and I was happy to take them up on their offer! This is definitely an old school haunt but I really enjoyed what they put together here. So check out my experience at Portals of Fear in West Mifflin, PA and thanks so much for watching!
Playing Hide and Seek in the World's Scariest Haunted House was insane!!
Drone fly-through of some scenes of Portals of Fear! Special thanks to Adam Scales
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